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Nothing but the Truth


There have been many cold days this winter. Now, that sounds like I’m stating the obvious, but there have been many winters over the last thirty years in South Carolina, when it hasn’t been cold at all. We have a picture from the late 1990’s of us bringing in a Christmas tree to our house in Barnwell. Jonathan is standing in the doorway helping with the tree, and he’s wearing only a pair of gym shorts. Granted, Winter doesn’t “officially” arrive until December 21/22, but one would think anytime in December, it would be too cold to be running around in nothing but a pair of shorts!

That’s what one might think, but in South Carolina, nothing could be further from the truth!

Consider this: What do we expect to be occurring with the foliage come October? We expect to see leaves falling and brilliant colors. But, in South Carolina, even the mountains of the Upstate, fall colors in all their glory, don’t arrive until the first week of November. What about the old adage, “April showers bring May flowers!” In Anderson, where we live, April has the second lowest monthly amount of rainfall of any year. Only October has less. It is pretty much the same for every county in the Upstate. So, where are those flower producing “April showers?” they aren’t in South Carolina.

We have been programmed to believe that weather patterns common to the North East of our nation, are the norm for all of us. But, of course that is not true. Having the cold we have had over the last six to eight weeks, is rare in South Carolina. We really haven’t seen this pattern since the late 1800’s.

What else are we consistently told that so many of us have accepted, but is patently false? The earth is billions of years old. There are more than two genders. Man evolved from ape. Truth is relative. All religions lead to heaven. When these things are repeated over and over, the majority of the population will eventually believe these myths. But why does the world push ideas that are often contrary to basic common sense? The answer: the world is ruled by Satan and he hates Truth. He teaches the world to do the same.

Yet, Truth is not relative. There is one place where Truth can absolutely be found and it is the Word of God. It’s also very obvious that God’s Absolute Truth completely disagrees with the Satanic teachings of the world. The earth is billions of years old? Follow the narrative of Scripture, and one sees very clearly the world is no more than 10,000 years old. More than two genders? Scripture says God made them male and female. By the way, there is one reason God made us male and female: Procreation. Without a male and a female, there is no procreation and humanity ends before it begins! Man evolved from ape? God created man in His likeness. If man came from a lower primate, or a clump of cells, there is no such thing as sin; since sin is disobedience to the Creator, and we were not created, but just arrived as an act of chance, there is no need for a Savior to restore us to the Creator. All religions lead to heaven? Not according to Christ, the Savior, who said, “I am the way the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father, but by me!”

The world propagates its false, destructive message constantly to influence as many people as it can. Our message is true and life giving! We don’t need to “propagate” it; just live it! The world needs the Truth whether it will acknowledge that fact or not. Lets be more active in sharing that truth, of God’s mercy, love, and grace. Who knows how much time is left?



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