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What Christians Should be pursuing


Tomorrow being election day, and this being the absolute worst election cycle I can remember in my lifetime, I wanted to share the outline of what God gave me for Sunday's message at Wrenn Memorial Baptist Church. I'm sure you hear people say, just like I do, "I'm just praying God will turn our nation around!" Or, something very much akin to that. My question is, what if God is wanting to turn the CHURCH around by bringing judgement on our nation? Surely we can see that our nation deserves judgement? The United States of America has been a nation like no other! Before this nation's founding, Christians were persecuted and chased out of one country after another JUST FOR BEING BIBLE BELIEVING CHRISTIANS!! God opened up the New World and, just as Acts 9:31 says, "Then had the churches rest..." Now, Christians have adopted the ways of the world so much so that there really isn't a whole lot of difference between the practices of the world and those of Western society Christians! Until the Church founded on the Rock of Jesus Christ truly repents, until Western Christianity realizes how far we have fallen from the true Gospel, things in this nation are not going to improve! Certainly not just because there's a change in the White House. What does it say about our nation, when the man most conservative Christians have voted for or will vote for had a woman speak at the Republican National Convention, who is best known for her "Slut walk?" Or that the Vice Presidential candidate, who claims to be a "Born again Christian" gets on the most popular podcast in the world, uses vulgar language, laughs at dirty jokes, and calls his 2 year old daughter saying "S**t" adorable? Is that truly the type of Christianity God is seeking to bless? Are we out of our mind? OK, so the other guys are worse. But are they really? I would rather deal with someone who was being straight up when they tell me they hate my views and everything I stand for, than with someone who will say whatever to get elected, and then not "drain the swamp," or "lock her up," and those are just two of the most obvious promises made that were never intended on being kept. Yes, I know all politicians do these things. And that, my friend, is the point. Even the ones who claim the name of Christ. By the way, I voted early and it was a straight Republican ticket. But I am getting very tired of having to choose the lesser of two evils.

Well if you made it through that rant without getting angry with me, below is my sermon outline from yesterday.

What Should Christians Pursue in this Election Cycle?

1. God's will being done, Matthew 6:9, 10.

2. God's Name being glorified, John 12:23 - 28.

3. Christ to be magnified in us, Philippians 1:20, 21.

4. Christ would increase, John 3:30.

5. That we might win Christ, Philippians 3:8.

6. We would choose to obey God, Acts 5:29.

7. The Kingdom of God and HIS righteousness, Matthew 6:33.

But, shouldn't that be what we ALWAYS pursue?



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